Photos needed!

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Photos needed!

Postby Meggan » Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:51 am

Hi All. I'm busy compiling a photo book of African birds and beasts specifically for Safari go'ers. I cannot include each and every creature. For instance, I've chosen the most dangerous snakes. I'm desperate for clear photos where I can see the whole animal without obstructions because I'm creating transparencies of each creature. I don't have nice high resolution photos of the following : Black Mamba, Cape Cobra, Rhinkals, Boomslang. Of the agamas, lizards, skinks, ghekos, frogs and toads. I need to choose one or just a few most common of each and then I need photographs. I don't know where to start and Wiki Commons (where I get most photos from) don't have a good variety. Those most common to the African bush. Anyone who can help with clear photos, or even suggestions for the list? A list of most common reptiles.
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Re: Photos needed!

Postby reptile » Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:16 pm

Great idea! Sorry that I can't help with any photos... Brown House Snake, Herlad Snake, Spotted Bush Snake, Rhombic Egg Eater, Skaap Steaker and a species of Sand/whip snakes are all pretty common
85% of all snakes are harmless!!!!
0:1 Super Hypo Leopard Gecko
God made everything... It's all to perfect for it to be able to just appear
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