ID books?

Accounts and photos of non-captive reptiles in their natural habitat in South Africa. Try to record with your account details such as time of day/night, temperature, weather conditions, lunar cycle, sex, rough age of reptile, and so on.

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ID books?

Postby mickss » Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:06 am

Hey guys,
Great to see an active herping community here, it always makes me happy to see people that can appreciate the beauty of these scaly critters.

I will be in South Africa for three weeks for work. I'll be in the North Cape, in the area around Springbok. Ofcourse I want to do some herping inbetween work.
But what are good ID books for the local herpetofauna?
I got the complete guide to the snakes of Southern Africa by Marais.
But what about the amphibians, lizards, chamaeleons and chelonians? What would you recommend?
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Re: ID books?

Postby Sico » Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:27 am

Anything by Bill Branch is good. Specific to amphibs I would suggest "Frogs of Southern Africa" by Carruthers. The latest version (2009) comes with a CD of calls etc.
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Re: ID books?

Postby mickss » Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:07 pm

Ah, the only Bill branch deliverable to me within time is in South African, time to brush up on my Suid-Afrikaanse woorde. But it looks very good. still looking for the other one, but with a cd of sounds it will be hard to top by any other book. Thank you for your help.
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